About Norwegian Association of Real Estate Agents (NEF)
Norwegian Association of Real Estate Agents (NEF) is a national organization for real estate agents founded on 12 December 1932.
NEF is a member of other Nordic and international real estate organizations.
80% of all private real estate sold in Norway is done through an real estate agent who is a member of NEF. (MNEF)
NEF has 2,800 members (Dec. 2019), all of which are also automatically associated with one of the ten local associations. The Association’s service office keeps members informed about all matters of interest in promoting professional qualifications.
Our members are
- Real estate agents with a professional education and at least 2 years of practice
- Persons who have passed a real estate examination administered by the Finance Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet).
- Lawyers licensed to practice real estate
- Lawyers with 2 years experience and permission from the Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet)
- People who have received approval from the Finance Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet) to use the title real estate agents
Education and Politics
Norwegian Association of Real Estate Agents facilitates continuing education for its members and the rest of the real estate industry. Norwegian Association of Real Estate Agents is also actively involved in housing policy issues.
The magazine “Eiendomsmegleren” (The real estate agent) is an important tool for keeping NEF members updated on developments in their profession. In addition, NEF’s continuing education activities.
Ethics Committee
The Association’s Ethics Committee develops and promulgates a set of ethical guidelines which all NEF members are obliged to follow.
The Complaints Board
The Complaints Board for real estate agents services, see www.eiendomsmeglingsnemnda.no
Mrs. Randi Hollingen is Chairman of the board of NEF. Mr. Carl O. Geving is CEO of NEF.
Important links
Act relating to Estate Agency Activities
Regulations relating to Estate Agency Activities
(NEF reserves the right that changes may have been made to the law / regulations which the translations do not take into account)